Tribal Government

Pueblo Of Zuni Governor
and Lieutenant Governor

The newly elected Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and members of the Zuni Tribal Council shall be required to individually take an oath of office at the time of their installation. The Head Cacique will delegate his authority to administer the oath of office to a Zuni religious leader in accordance with the Zuni religious hierarchy

Arden Kucate


Cordelia Hooee

Lt. Governor

Pueblo Of Zuni Tribal Council

The jurisdiction of the Zuni Tribe, Zuni Indian Reservation exercised through the Zuni Tribal Council, the Executive Department and the Judicial Department, acting in accordance with this constitution and the ordinances adopted in accordance herewith, shall extend to all tribal lands included within the present boundaries of the Zuni Indian Reservation and to such other lands as may hereafter be added thereto, unless otherwise provided by law. This jurisdiction shall apply to and be for the benefit and protection of all Indians who now, or may in the future, reside on the Zuni Reservation. The name of this organization shall be the Zuni Tribe.

Anthony Sanchez Jr.

Head Councilman

Ricky Penketewa Sr.


Virginia Chavez


Birdena Sanchez


Edward Wemytewa


Shirley Bellson


Tribal Constitution

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Copyright © 2016 Pueblo of Zuni | P.O.Box 339 | 1203B State HWY 53 | Zuni, NM 87327 | Phone: 505-782-7000 | Fax: 505-782-7202
