Pueblo of Zuni Election Board

Zuni Tribal General Election Results

2022 Zuni Tribal Primary Election Results

Governor/Lt. Governor Candidates

Arden Kucate and Cordelia Hooee

Click Here to View Kucate/Hooee Candidate Profile

Val R. Panteah and Carlton Bowekaty

Click Here to View Panteah/Bowekaty Candidate Profile

Tribal Council Candidates

Virginia Chavez

Click Here to View Virginia Chavez Candidate Profile

Ricky Penketewa Sr.

Click Here to View Ricky Penketewa Sr. Candidate Profile

Margaret Eriacho

Click Here to View Margaret Eriacho Candidate Profile

Anthony Lee Sanchez Jr.

Click Here to View Anthony Lee Sanchez Jr. Candidate Profile

Rueben Ghahate

Click Here to View Reuben Ghahate Candidate Profile

Birdena Sanchez

Click Here to View Birdena Sanchez Candidate Profile

Edward Wemytewa

Click Here to View Edward Wemytewa Candidate Profile

Shirley Bellson

Click Here to View Shirley Bellson Candidate Profile



Clybert Zunie Sr.



Bobbie Natewa



Roxanne Seoutewa



Rolanda Quam



Pamela Lasiloo


Contact Information

Zuni Election Board

P.O.Box 339
Zuni, NM 87327
Phone: 505-782-7191
Email: Election.Board@ashiwi.org

Zuni Police Dept. | Zuni Tribal Courts | Zuni Fish and Wildlife | ZECDC | Zuni Pueblo Main Street |
Solid Waste | Tribal Prosecutor | Tribal Roads | A:Shiwi Transit | Zuni Utility | New Beginnings
Public Library | POZ Sex Offender Registry | Downloads | Web Mail

Copyright © 2016 Pueblo of Zuni | P.O.Box 339 | 1203B State HWY 53 | Zuni, NM 87327 | Phone: 505-782-7000 | Fax: 505-782-7202