Zuni Tribal Courts
The Zuni Tribal Court was established in 1975 by the adoption of the Constitution of the Zuni Tribe. Article IV of the Zuni Constitution provides that The government of the Zuni Tribe shall consist of a Legislative, and Executive, and a Judicial Department. The Judicial Department of the Zuni Tribe consists of a Chief Judge and two Associate Judges, appointed by the Governor of the Zuni Tribe, with the concurrence of the tribal council. With the enactment of the Zuni Tribal Code on December 20, 1976, the Zuni Tribal Council established the Zuni Tribal Court as a court of civil and limited criminal jurisdiction. The Zuni Tribal Council declared that as a matter of Tribal policy the interests of the Zuni Tribe require that the Tribe provides itself, its members and other persons living on the [Zuni] Reservation or who are within the jurisdiction of the Tribe with an effective means of redress in both civil and criminal cases. See, Section 1-2-1 of the Zuni Tribal Code. The Tribal Council thereupon defined the territorial, personal and subject matter jurisdiction of the Zuni Tribal Court.
Honorable Kaniatari:io J. Gilbert Chief Tribal Judge |
Honorable Nichole A. Alex Associate Tribal Judge |
Marisa Yuselew Court Administrator |
Cherie Leekya Chief Court Clerk |
Alva Romancito Juvenile Court Clerk |
Donovan Tsadiasi Probation Officer |
Zuni Tribal Courts Public Notice
Click here to view the Revised Zuni Tribal Law & Order Code
Zuni Tribal Code
Revised Zuni Tribal Code. (Revised September 14, 2022)
Restated Zuni Tribal Code Resolution. (Update, Adopt and Enact September 14, 2022)
Zuni Children's Code
Enacting Revised Zuni Children's Code
Title IX. Zuni Children's Code
Tribal Courts Downloads
Zuni Rules of Criminal Procedure
Amended Zuni Paternity and Child Support
Zuni Tribal Constitution
Contact Information
Zuni Tribal Court
P.O.Box 339 | Zuni, NM 87327
Phone: 505.782.7045
Fax: 505.782.7219
Email: ZuniTribal.Courts@ashiwi.org
Solid Waste | Tribal Prosecutor | Tribal Roads | A:Shiwi Transit | Zuni Utility | New Beginnings
Public Library | POZ Sex Offender Registry | Downloads | Web Mail
Copyright © 2016 Pueblo of Zuni | P.O.Box 339 | 1203B State HWY 53 | Zuni, NM 87327 | Phone: 505-782-7000 | Fax: 505-782-7202