"We, as one people drinking from the cup of life, shall preserve out existance with health, dignity, respect and harmony that will be as pure and beautiful as the water that flows above and below our Mother Earth."

Mission Statement:

The Zuni Utility Department defines its mission as a commitment to plan and implement adequate sanitation facilities tp enhance the daily lives of our Zuni People and to deliver the quality service and operations to ensure the well-being and good health of present and fure generations residing on the Zuni Indian Reservations.


It Cost to:
  • Drill and Maintain Wells and Pumps
  • Treat Water To Kill Harmful Bacteria
  • Provide and Maintain Tanks to Store
  • Provide and Maintain Line to Deliver Safe Water to Your Home
  • Manage Water Utility
  • Paying for Water is NO DIFFERENT than paying for other service such as:
    Banner_Paying Service

    The people who provide your drinking water are Professionals who are dedicated to:
  • Operating & Maintaining the source, treatment amd distribution systems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Ensuring Compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Providing Quality Customer Service