Water Rates
(Effective Febuary 2006)

(Up to 300 Gal)
Commercial Minimum $60.00
Next 2,000 Gal $2.87 per 1,000 Gal
Next 5,000 Gal $3.59 per 1,000 Gal
Next 10,000 Gal $4.31 per 1,000 Gal
Next 30,000 Gal $5.74 per 1,000 Gal
Next 50,000 Gal $7.18 per 1,000 Gal
Anything After $8.62 per 1,000 Gal

2% penalty assessed on unpaid balance 5 days after due date.
Accounts 3 months in arrears are subjected to disconnections.

All Payments are for Water Accounts, New Memberships, Name Changes, etc. should be make at:
Zuni Tribal Finance Offices
1023 B North HWY 53

Call Zuni Utility Department