Zuni Title VI Nutrition for Indian Elderly

Provides nutritious meals to congregate and home-bound elderly, including supportive services, such as transportation, outreach, information & referral, home-maker chores, legal assistance and senior center services, nutrition education, in home services which include housekeeping, visiting, home repairs, personal services, and wood-chopping.

Zuni Adult Day Care - ZADC

Zuni Adult Day / Respite Care Program's mission is to provide care for the frail elderly on an hourly basis in a safe and secure enviroment, allowing the caregivers some time off from the everyday physical and emotional strain of caring for the frail elderly. The program is designed to promote the optimal health, physical, social, and mental well being of the frail elderly of the community. Services provided are:

  • Socialization
  • Remotivation
  • Basic Health and Personal Care
  • Gentle Exercise
  • Recreational Activity
  • Assistance with daily living activites
  • Nutritious meals and snacks
  • Transportation
  • Home care services
  • Educational Information
  • Other Supportive Services

ZADC program provides services on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, except Holidays. Hours of care are from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.